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Which city has the best food culture?

fter you've eaten here, man you cannot leave the city just for food. It has so many traditional stories right from the British rule to this date. I'll share some 9f my favorites coz you know, no one can cover it all.

  1. Amsavalli biriyani

The hotel has been running successfully as far as my parents can remember. The place is not so tidy, but everyone goes there for taste. It still is the number one place for biriyani according to me.

2. Simmakal Konar Mess:

No dish reveals Madurai’s strong affinity for mutton like the Kari (mutton) dosa at this local institution. The Konars are one of Madurai’s very own cow and goatherds; offal dishes are a big part of their menu. This triple-decker treat is built on a thick dosa, with an omelet and a layer of minced mutton. (North Veli Street, Simmakal, Madurai)

I bet you've started drooling.

3. Murugan Idli Shop

This idli eatery is now on every foodie’s wish list when they visit Chennai. But the Murugan Idli story began in Madurai just a few streets away from the Madurai Meenakshi temple. Murugan’s idlis are fluffy and border on sticky, and are served with four trademark chutneys and their signature idli powder. While idlis are their calling card, regulars also swear by Murugan’s ghee soaked onion uthappam and sweet Pongal. (West Masi Street, Madurai).

If you're a vegetarian, this is the perfect spot for you.

4. Burmah Idiyappa Kadai
This eatery rides on just one dish – the string hopper or idiyappam. For decades this pokey eatery has chosen to stay small and offers no seating. It has sparked many clones in the city but locals and visitors haven’t stopped queuing up at the original outlet opposite Mission hospital. The ultra-soft idiyappam are served with just two accompaniments—tomato chutney and sweetened coconut milk.

Okay, so time for dessert? Last but not least?

5. Famous jigarthanda

The origin of Madurai’s most famous dessert is open for debate. Some locals believe it came here during the Madurai sultanate while some believe that it was the Arcot Nawabs who added this falooda look-alike to Madurai’s culinary tapestry. However, there are few disagreements on where to find the best Jigarthanda, a cloyingly sweet cold dessert that brings condensed milk, hand-churned ice cream, milk, and a tree gum–the ‘X factor’, together. (East Marrat Street, Madurai)

If you've not tried jigarthanda in your life, you're missing out on something really. My cousin brother comes to Madurai from Chennai just to have this drink and spends time with the family.